Oh my god, blog, you will not imagine the horror that occured today. I had a "Culture Club" all prepared (by prepared i mean robbed from Cherie´s vast stack of English materials) and the DVD wouldn´t work, so i stuck on one that i happened to have on me that the ma sent me of a concert in the Art Gallery to celebrate 50 years of the Clyde Tunnel. Let´s say right out that Colombia is NOT ready for the Eurydice socialist choir and taiko drummers. Poor students looked a bit shell-shocked til I hurriedly stopped it and distracted them with the chance to ask overly personal questions (today they bizarrely paired up the classic "do you have BOYFRIEND?" with a new one, "do you like golf?". A big fat no to both, students), but what an absolute disaster. And tomorrow i´ve got a sickening run of class right through from 7am to 1pm, no time even to stop for a tinto with that disgusting schedule.
Still, life is grand in Bogotá. Yesterday i got an entertaining book called "I Love You Putamente" in a booksale at the Luis Angel Arango (library) which unfortunately only lasted me a day, it was a very entertaining Transmilenio read although this morning i got a seat in the midst of a crowd of old biddies so i had to read it a bit surreptitiously as it was chock full of sex, literary references and hysterical Colombian slang like "gonnorea" (the worst name you can call someone here) "bacán" (cool dude) or "chimba" (variously "pure braw", "total babe" or "cock"). I love you Español.
Here´s hoping nobody gets swine flu around here, i saw on the news in the cigarrería that they´re quarantining cruise ships coming into Santa Marta but i think everyone in Bogotá is immune to all disease due to continual exposure to the microbes of a million other people daily on the public transport system. Every single day, crammed in the bus with hunners of people sniffing away and breathing on each other, our immune systems are rock solid - BRING IT ON SWINE FLU!
Right i`m off to the Santoto to propagate Scottish culture, but just to keep yous going inbetween Colombian updates here´s a wee holibags photo of me with a donkey, ye canny beat it it´s classic holiday material:

1 comment:
I have one word, and one word only for that photo, and that is "Arf!".
What dates are you back doll? Let me know, definitely need to have a catch up of epic proportions.
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