So, this is the lovely Casa Yankees Go Home. Above we can see a delightful poster of Che Guevara and the view out of the window onto the patio and a car park. Scenic.

This is the living room. All that there is in the room is that couch and my suitcase, but it´s getting cosier. Also i think i scored some garish wicker furniture off another shady contact at the British Council, man these guys are going to furnish my whole house for me!

I went to the football again on Saturday, this is the scene when the players run out onto the pitch, all blue and red smoke and flags and people going crazy. It was good but unfortunately my team got beat by an extremely cruel last minute goal. Hijos de puta Santa Fé.

After the football i went to Zipaquirá which is in the Sabana to the north of Bogotá, to visit the salt mines which have a cathedral carved into them, something like 2 miles below ground. It was amazing but a little spooky, specially because there was a Mass going on and i get a bit unnerved by all that kind of thing, especially if it´s in a cold, echoey, dark cavern. Anyway this is me having a tinto 2 miles below the ground!

After the salt cathedral we went to the above restaurant for lunch, it was a Paisa restaurant (Paisas are people from the region of Antioquena) so we all had huge slabs of meat with frijoles and eggs and pork crackling, AND as if that weren´t good enough there were also guys doing serenades and they played the world´s greatest song, Estos Celos by Vicente Fernandez. It was great to go on a wee road trip, the individual riding shotgun had a bit of an obsession with rancheras so we listened to lots of Mexican yelping and looked at cows and marvelled at a bizarre theme park which boasts a huge, inexplicable model of the Taj Mahal in the middel of a field. All in all it was a grand day out. Incidentally here is a video of the author singing the Bogotá city anthem at the football, arf.
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