Case in point: this morning me a couple of other language assistants went out for a wander, dropped into shop for empanadas (tasty fillings folded inside a doughy half moon shape and then deep fried) and started talking to the woman beside us, by the time the empanadas were done she'd given us her daughter's number so that she could show us around, and given Steve (one of the assistants) the number of her friend who lives in the town he's going to live in. People are so polite and friendly here (bar Edgardo), hopefully i'll not find it too difficult getting a flat with all these folk offering to help me.
Today me, Gracie, Steve and Chantal the fellow language assistants tried to go to La Candelaria, the colonial centre of Bogota, unfortunately we didn't know where to get off the space-age bus and ended up climbing these windy potholed roads right up the side of the mountain into a kind of hilltop shanty town. What a view of the place you get from a great height, it's unbelievably big, and the air is very clear because of the altitude. At the top of the hill we just got on another bus and went down again, it costs 30p to take a space-age bus basically anywhere in the city and you just flag them down like taxis and then tell them where you want to get off.
After that detour we found La Candelaria and ate some fried ants (see previous post), and then had a giant plate of food in a diner where they were listening to Micaela by La Sonora Carruseles! (This song is a Poporopo favorito). This is La Candelaria:
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